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December is...
...Art and Architecture Month
...Egg Nog Month
...Handwashing Awareness Month
..."Hi Neighbor" Month
...Learn a Foreign Language Month
...Made in America Month
...National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month
...National Fruit Cake Month
...National Identity Theft Prevention and Awareness Month
...National Pear Month
...Noodle Ring Month
...Procrastination Awareness Month
...Read a New Book Month
...Root Vegetable Month
...Safe Toys and Gifts Month
...Sign Up for Summer Camp Month
...Stress-Free Family Holidays Month
...Tomato and Winter Squash Month
...Tropical Fruits Month
...Universal Human Rights Month
...World AIDS Awareness Month
...Write a Friend Month
March 2, 2021 |
Edited by Lisa
Edited without comment.
March 2, 2021 |
Edited by Lisa
Edited without comment.
March 2, 2021 |
Created by Lisa
initial topics