Reading Log
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Recent Activity
When | What | Who | Comment |
March 16, 2015 | DS | Added Writing as thinking to the list. | |
February 1, 2015 | DS | Added Einstein and the generations of science to the list. | |
January 24, 2015 | DS | Added The philosophy of biology. to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added Chinese philosophy to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added The way of virtue to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added Within the four seas to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added The way of virtue to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added Konfut Łsii to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added A Confucian notebook to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added The political philosophy of Confucianism to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added Kongzi gai zhi kao to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added The Wisdom of the Chinese to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added The sayings of Mencius to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added The Chinese classics to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added The sacred books of Confucius, and other Confucian classics to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added Chinese thought, from Confucius to Mao Tsê-tung to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added Lives of Confucius to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added The Authentic Confucius to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added The Confucius Enigma to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added From Confucius to Oz to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added Confucius and the Analects to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added Confucius to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added Confucius to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added Confucius to the list. | |
January 2, 2015 | DS | Added Confucius Analects to the list. |