Open Library provides dumps of all its data, generated every month. All of the dumps are formatted as tab separated files with the following columns:
- type of record (/type/edition, /type/work etc.)
- unique key of the record. (/books/OL1M etc.)
- revision number of the record
- last modified timestamp
- the complete record in JSON format
all types dump (~ 12.4G): includes editions, works, authors, redirects, etc.
complete dump (~ 29.6G): also includes past revisions of all the records in Open Library
ratings dump (~ 5M): with columns: "Work Key, Edition Key (optional), Rating, Date"
reading log dump (~ 30M): with columns "Work Key, Edition Key (optional), Shelf, Date"
For past dumps, see:
Format of JSON records
A JSON schema for the various types is located at
Author Records: JSON serialization of a type/author
Edition Records: JSON serialization of a type/edition
- Work Records: JSON serialization of a type/work
Using Open Library Data Dumps
Please see this great guide by contributor on the LibrariesHacked
github about how to load Open Library's data dumps into postgres to make it more useful and queriable:
DiFronzo on github has produced a graphql proxy to search books using work, edition and ISBN with Open Library API. Deployed with Deno and GraphQL:
OL Covers Dump
We do not yet have rolling monthly dumps of our book covers, despite a shared desire for its existence. Some historical cover dumps may be explored here:
- Created December 14, 2011
- 22 revisions
February 3, 2023 | Edited by Tom Morris | Update sizes for dumps of main entities |
November 17, 2021 | Edited by raybb | update file sizes |
September 30, 2021 | Edited by Mek | Edited without comment. |
August 17, 2021 | Edited by Drini | Add ratings/reading log dumps |
December 14, 2011 | Created by Anand Chitipothu | Documented Open Library Data Dumps |