Publishing History
This is a chart to show the publishing history of editions of works about this subject. Along the X axis is time, and on the y axis is the count of editions published. Click here to skip the chart .
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This graph charts editions published on this subject.
Editions Published
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Year of Publication
Fiction, thrillers, general ,
Fiction ,
Cryptographers ,
Fiction, thrillers ,
American fiction ,
Ficción ,
Fiction, suspense ,
Fiction, thrillers, suspense ,
New York Times bestseller ,
Reading Level-Grade 10 ,
Reading Level-Grade 11 ,
Reading Level-Grade 12 ,
Reading Level-Grade 9 ,
Robert Langdon (Fictitious character) ,
Secret societies ,
Signs and symbols ,
Code and cipher stories ,
Crimes against ,
Detective and mystery stories ,
Large type books
Harvard University ,
Italy ,
Vatican ,
Britain ,
Capitol Rotunda ,
Castel Sant'Angelo ,
College of Cardinals ,
Depository Bank of Zurich ,
Europe ,
Florence ,
Florence (Italy) ,
France ,
Greece ,
House of the Temple ,
La Pyramide Inversée ,
London ,
London (UK) ,
Musée du Louvre ,
Opus Dei Center