Publishing History
This is a chart to show the publishing history of editions of works about this subject. Along the X axis is time, and on the y axis is the count of editions published. Click here to skip the chart .
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This graph charts editions published on this subject.
Editions Published
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Year of Publication
Older people ,
Aged ,
Aging ,
Vieillissement ,
Psychology ,
Elderly ,
Santé et hygiène ,
Conditions sociales ,
Alter ,
Psychologie ,
Geriatrics ,
Services for ,
Social conditions ,
Care ,
Gerontology ,
Health and hygiene ,
Soins ,
Aspect psychologique ,
Vieillesse ,
Aspect social
United States ,
Canada ,
Québec (Province) ,
France ,
États-Unis ,
Great Britain ,
Ontario ,
Japan ,
Europe ,
Québec ,
British Columbia ,
Colombie-Britannique ,
Région de Sherbrooke ,
Australia ,
England ,
Etats-Unis ,
Japon ,
Pays de l'Union européenne ,
Anna Tante ,
Ben Maartman (1924-) ,
Benito Pérez Galdós (1843-1920) ,
Cailloux Grand-père ,
Catherine Kousmine (1904-1992) ,
Daniel Callahan (1930-) ,
Florida Scott-Maxwell (1883-1979) ,
George H. McLain (1901-) ,
George H., 1901- McLain ,
Jean-Louis Courtinat (1954-)