This is a test collection related to a Github issue:
• #5729 (Carousels don't follow merged work redirects)
What's the problem?
The following carousel should contain four works called explicitly by work id:
OL58400W - Dinotopia: A Land Apart From Time
OL14935262W - Dinotopia: World Beneath (before merging)
OL19650750W - Dinotopia: Journey to Chandara
OL17052360W - Dinotopia: First Flight
However, The World Beneath was merged and now redirects correctly to OL9290760W if you click on the work link.
The carousel silently drops this work that has been merged. I would expect it to follow the redirect, and use the cover image and link of the new work.
This is the query:
{{QueryCarousel(query="key:(/works/OL58400W OR /works/OL14935262W OR /works/OL17052360W OR /works/OL19650750W)", sort="old", title="Original Illustrated Books by James Gurney", has_fulltext_only=False)}}
This is the resulting carousel:
- Created October 5, 2021
- 23 revisions
November 6, 2021 | Edited by Jenner | Edited without comment. |
October 5, 2021 | Edited by Jenner | Edited without comment. |
October 5, 2021 | Edited by Jenner | Edited without comment. |
October 5, 2021 | Edited by Jenner | Edited without comment. |
October 5, 2021 | Created by Jenner | Edited without comment. |